Product introduction70-100HP tractor drived rotary tiller adopt low mid-gearbox, Eight module gear transmission, the height of gearbox can be match with 40-80hp tractors, the Angle between cardan shaft and horizontal plane is about 10 degrees which can effectively improve the cardan shaft drive efficiency and reduce the damage of  transmission shaft. Knife shaft is made by ø80 heavy seamless steel pipes and connected by new flange, install self-aligning bearings on both ends of knife shaft, can automatically adjust the decentraction of knife shaft. Using 65 mn, IT245 type rotary knife, its ability of crumbling soil is strong, rotary one time once can achieve the effect of general plough works several times. Good regional adaptation, it can realize multiple cropping rotation speed of 220-320 r/min when the PTO is 720 r/min by changing different ratio of a pair spiral bevel gear. Hanging mode of the machine adopt gantry suspension, the whole framework in one integrated mass,…


130-170HP tractor drived power driven harrow
90-130HP tractor drived power driven harrow
45-75HP tractor drived Paddy field pusher
Matching a 120 HP rotavator
More than 110HP tractor drived rotavator
A rotary tiller suitable for small-scale land operations and flexible cultivation
More than 80HP tractor drived rotary cultivator
Rotary tillers suitable for small plot operations
40-100HP tractor drived rotary cultivator
High quality tractor drived rotary cultivator
25-35HP tractor drived rotary cultivator
6 rows Pneumatic Precision Planter for Variety Crops

Shandong Dahua Machinery Co.,Ltd

AGRODAHUA Machinery Co., Ltd., founded in 1996, is located in Yanzhou District, one of the ancient J…


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