A2 core coil production line
Product Description
This production line compleles the A-level fire pratection funeiaon by changing the non-combustibiae material into the nan-carmbustibie inorgan- ic core material threugh a new production precess, and has the function af integraed farming and auomaic continuous production.
OThe production line is controlied by the raw material mixing formula and production proess ol the fireprool beard tere material. s thal the unlormity al the powdery raw material reeches 99.7% or mare.
OThe praductian line is a fully aulomated preduction lin. which has real- iaed the mature pplication af camposi te malding techoiagy
OThe cantinuous eatrusion proces controils the mature technalogy conral to make the flame retardant material and the inorgamic material nillormly bond.
OContinuous drying process control to ensure the perfect combination of aluminum light board, polymer fim, binder and inenganic flame re…