GENEDIAN®Covid-19 Antigen Test Cassette (Self-testing)
Ø Nasopharyngeal/Anterior nasal swab specimens
Ø Results to read at 15 min
Ø Easier and faster compared to molecular methods
Ø Room temperature storage
Ø Easy to use, no need of equipment
Ø High sensitivity (97.6%) and specificity (99.6%)
COVID 19 Antigen tests play a critical role
in the worldwide fight against novel coronavirus. Self-testing is leading the
trend with enormous business opportunities due to the advantages of: Home
testing, safer and more convenient by reducing the risk of community
transmission. The self-testing method is available for higher frequency of
testing and more effective screening.
The COVID-19 Antigen Test Cassette (Self-testing)
has high sensitivity and specificity compared to other PCR products. The device
is qualified to detect Omicron, Delta and other variants of concerns designated
by WHO. Our…