Hex Head Machine Bolt Hex bolts are commonly used in Poleline Hardware because of their strength and durability.Hex bolts come in various sizes and lengths to accommodate different poleline hardware applications. They are typically used to secure crossarms, braces, and other hardware to wooden or steel poles. Yokelink Hex head machine bolt used for fastening poleline hardware to crossarms, poles and other structures. Bolts have rolled threads and supplied with hex nuts per customer require. Manufactured from ANSI/IEEE Std C135.80 and ASME B18.2.1, Hot Dip Galvanized meet ASTM A153 Class 3. Other lengths and 1 inch diameter hex machine bolts are available. 304 & 316 Stainless Steel Square machining bolts are available per the request. When you need Hex Machine Bolts, refer to above our catalog. We offer them in a full selection of sizes, provide the length, diameter or part number to get a quote on these bolts, leave your message, or se…


Expanding Rock Anchor Rods for Power & Utilities
Extension Anchor Rod 3/4
No Wrench Screw Anchor Rods for Utility Pole
Utility pole Crossarm Pin Nylon head
ASTM F1554 Grade 36 55 105 Anchor Bolts
Forged Anchor Shackle for Line Fitting
Eye Bolt Eyelet for Poleline Hardware
Froged Oval Eye Nut for Poleline Hardware
Square Curved Iron Cast Washer for Electric Pole
Wire Rope Thimbles for Poleline Hardware
Galvanized Post Insulator Bracket

Ningbo Yokelink Machinery Co.,Limited

Since 2011, Yokelink has became a professional supplier of Fasteners and Pole Line Hardware. We…


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