Introduction of Cranberry extract:
Product name: cranberry extract powder,cranberry fruit extract,cranberry juice extract
cranberry extract, best cranberry extract.
Latin name: Vaccinium Macrocarpon L.
Specification: anthocyanidins 5%-25%, anthocyanins 5%-25% proanthocyanidins 5-60%;
Source: from fresh cranberry (Vaccinium Macrocarpon L.)
Extraction part:fruit
Appearance:purple red to dark violet powder
Cranberry is a kind of skin and flesh are bright red small fruit, It grows in the cold North American wetlands.
Longze Supply Cranberry extract contains proanthocyanidins, also known as proanthocyanidins or condensed tannins. It has few ingredients in other fruits and vegetables, making bacteria unable to attach to the growth of the human body, thereby reducing the probability of human acquired infection. Improve atherosclerosis, restore elasticity, prevent multiple arterial blood flow from cardiovascular disease, a…