The function of the terminal block is to connect the lines of the equipment inside the screen and the external equipment, and play the role of signal (current and voltage) transmission.  With the terminal block, making the wiring beautiful, convenient maintenance, in the remote line between the connection is mainly firm, convenient construction and maintenance.  Ring insulated terminals 1, cable lugs are suitable for the connection of copper conductors (section 1.25-5.5mm2) in power cable with electronic equipment 2, Material: They are made of higher 99.99 % pure copper tube T2.3, Working temperature -55oC-150oC 4, Surface: Tin-plated 5, Insulated material: PVC, nylon 6, Wire specification/rated: According customer required The main products take references to the technical standards and quality requirements of advanced industrial countries such as America, Japan, German, France. Our products are widely applied in all kinds of electric cabinets,…


Insuated Ring Copper Terminals and Connectors
Aluminium Connecting Terminals Bimetallic Cable Lugs
Cable Terminals Lugs/Cord-End Terminals
Insulated Copper Terminal Connector Fork Terminal
Insulated Cord End Terminal (Cable Lugs)
Insulated Crimping Terminals Cable Lug Assortment Set
Insulated Bullet Connectors Brass Red/Blue/Yellow
Insulated Bullet Connectors Cable Lugs
Fully Insulated Female Terminals
We Are a Professiona Insulating Terminals
Insulated Male/Female Terminals(NY N type)
Waterproof low voltage insulation piercing connector

Taixing Longyi Terminals Co.,Ltd.

Taixing Longyi Terminals Co.,LTD.,which locates at Taixing city, Jiangsu Province, and was founded i…


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