Help prevent hardening of the arteries, lower cholesterol, fat decomposition and excretion of non-ferrous metals and radioactive elements and balance the body's composition, help prevent cancer and other diseases, promote blood circulation and metabolism, recuperate, enhance physical fitness, health protection.
1. Decomposition: biodegradable excess body fat, flat meat, all kinds of stone decomposition, promote the decomposition of food digestion and absorption.
2. Blood purification: Arrange internal environment, purify the blood and improve physical fitness - decomposition, eliminate waste, the blood becomes acid.
3. activation: the pituitary gland to stimulate cell regeneration, a recession is not easy to remember, can not afford to skin wrinkles, youthful beauty delay human aging.
4. Anti-inflammatory antibacterial effect: enzymes can strengthen the fight against white blood cells and remove invading bacteria and purulent matter, the cells speed recovery and enhance wound hea…