High Efficiency Air Sterilizer/Duct Uv Air Sanitizer
UV PCO technology
LIVEWELL UV Air Purifier is a professional UVC photocatalytic purifying device with several innovative features and ease of use.
There are two UVC lights in the unit, one without ozone and one with it. With a separate switch, you can choose whether or not to emit ozone. This provides several advantages for purifying odors and other pollutants.
* Active Air Purify & Surface Hygiene
* Effective anti-bacterias and anti-molds.
* Chemical Free
* 24/7 Odor Reduction
* Quite Operate
* Easily fitted to a wall or ceiling
99.9% removed odor
UV light reacted with Nano Photocatalyst Filters in the cleaning chamber by using water particles and oxygen from the air tocreate highly reactive compounds, such as hydroxyl radical OH , hydrogen peroxide H2O2 , negative ions and pure oxygen Ozone toactively purify air and inactive molds, bacteria…