Tetanus is a medical emergency requiring hospitalization, immediate treatment with human tetanus immune globulin (TIG) (or equine antitoxin if human immune globulin is not available), a tetanus toxoid (TT) booster, agents to control muscle spasm, and aggressive wound care and antibiotics. If immunoglobulin is not available, tetanus antitoxin (TAT; equine origin) in a single large dose should be given intravenously, after testing for hypersensitivity. Depending on the severity of disease, mechanical ventilation and agents to control autonomic nervous system instability may be required. An adequate airway should be maintained; tracheostomy, nasotracheal intubation, and/or mechanically assisted respiration, may be life-saving. Sedation and muscle relaxant drugs should be used as indicated to control muscle spasms. Active immunization may be initiated concurrently with treatment. [Ingredients]Equine tetanus immunoglobulin following pepsin digestion…


Tetanus Antitoxin (TAT for Human)
10000IU Tetanus Antitoxin Liquid Injection
1500IU Tetanus Antitoxin Vaccine
Tetanus Antitoxin for Human Use
Tetanus Antitoxin Antisera Final Bulk Equine Origin
Pregnant Mare Urine (PMU)
Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) Veterinary Medicine
Black Goji Berries Handmade Gift
Black wolfberry Anthocyanin Brewed Drink
Black Wolfberry Instant Powder Teabag
Red Goji (Chinese Wolfberry) Tea Bag
30g Packaged Black Goji Berry (shade dried)

Jiangxi Institute of Biological Products Inc.

Jiangxi Institute of Biological Products Inc. was founded in 1969. The institute has produced biolog…


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