Denilco road safety barrier for Buildings and Municipal grid     The Flood Barrier boards is made of a kind of Strong plastic resin figurine material -ABS( Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) ,a kind of thermoplastic polymer structure material with high strength, it is with UV resistance,  good toughness and easy processing. It is very strong and firm on the flat and Low-lying underground.  The road safety equipment can be stacked together as road traffic barriers, water barrier door dam to prevent and control water, and can fold together as a reservoir to drain water in urban road.    The features of the water safety products:   Easy to move, high flexibility, strong impact resistance, ageing resistance,better than fiberglass reinforced plastics and others , not that easy to be damaged. Mainly use on highway exit,toll station,temporary road closure,gas station,and underground garage, buildings .    …


good way and option for water flood control
Quick dam flood barrier for metro light rail
how to use sandless flood control sandbags
City water-logging flood control barrier Management
Easy handle alternative sandless sandbags for flooding
Nonwoven sap anti flood defense sand bags
self inflated inflatable water activiated flood bag
flood control board water dam flood protection barrier
Freestanding anti-flood dam flood barrier boxwall
removable flood barrier boxwall for Power Plants
Residential flood door barrier for homes
Freestanding flood barrier boxwall 75cm height for tunnel

Denilco Environmental technology(Suzhou)Co., Ltd.

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