Wide measuring range Single Phase Voltmeter A single phase voltmeter is a type of instrument used to measure single phase voltage with a wide measuring range. It can measure both low and high voltages, usually in the range of a few volts to a few thousand volts.A single-phase voltmeter is an instrument used to measure voltage parameters in three-phase electricity, mainly used in high-voltage distribution cabinets and low-voltage cabinets. The unit of this instrument is expressed in V (volt), which is the volt. It not only has conventional measurement and display functions, but also integrates programming functions, RS485 serial port, and switch output functions, so as to achieve networking with monitoring systems or remote data transmission. The display form of the single-phase voltmeter adopts LED digital tubes, which have high precision, good electromagnetic compatibility, and high cost-effectiveness. Therefore, it is regarded as a reliable electrical product by electrical suppliers,…


Thickened copper Transfer Switch
Bus comprehensive protection measurement
Transformer protection measurement and control
Three-phase multifunctional power meter
Managed temperature measuring device
Wireless temperature measurement centralized host
High precision switch status indicator
Three-phase LED multi-function power meter
Multifunctional harmonic instrument Power Meter
Multifunctional power meter large LCD display
Controller and protection switch
Voltage meter with LCD screen


The company mainly produces digital power meters, switch control devices, comprehensive protection d…


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