Looking for delicious and unique ingredients for your milk tea? Look no further! Our Agar Agar Jelly Balls are the perfect addition to your drink - Introducing our new Lemon Jelly Balls now! These small but delicious ingredients will enhance any lemon tea. Try our delicious combination of agar balls and lemon jelly balls now for a refreshing and zesty addition to your milk tea.


Pineapple Ding Jelly Ball Food
Plum Flavor Jelly Ball Food
Deilcious Frozen Instant Taro Boba Commodity
Delicious Frozen Instant Taro Boba food
Delicious Frozen Instant Taro Boba Wares
Frozen taor paste food
Original Jelly Popping balls
Delicious Original Jelly Popping Boba
Delicious Original Jelly Popping
Yummy Mango Jelly ball tea
Brown sugar flavor Jelly ball
Frozen Chestnut Wrapped Heart Pearl


JIANGMEN ANDES FOOD CO.,LTD was founded in 2001 and provide tapioca pearls and raw materials for…


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