Nutrition and consumption of perilla The whole plant of Perilla has high nutritional value. It has low sugar, high fiber, high carotene, high mineral elements, etc. Each 100g of young leaves contains 0.68~1.26g of reducing sugar, 3.84g of protein, 3.49~6.96g of cellulose, 1.3g of fat, 7.94~9.09 mg of carotene, 10.02 mg of vitamin B, 0.35 mg of vitamin B2, Nick Acid 1.3 mg, vitamin C 55~68 mg, potassium 522 mg, sodium 4.24 mg, calcium 217 mg, magnesium 70.4 mg, phosphorus 65.6 mg, copper 0.34 mg, iron 20.7 mg, zinc 1.21 mg, manganese 1.25 mg, strontium 1.50 mg, Selenium is 3.24~4.23 micrograms. The volatile oil contains perillaldehyde, perillyl alcohol, menthone, menthol, eugenol, perillinone, etc. The content of anti-aging SOD is as high as 106.2 micrograms per milligram of perilla leaves. Perilla contains volatile perilladehyde and other aromatic substances, which are commonly used among the people to remove fishy smell, increase freshness and enhance flavor. "Tiao Ding Ji"…


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Jilin Chunyi Industrial Co., Ltd

Chunyi Industrial is the leading perilla enterprise in China. It has the largest perilla industri…


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